Universidad Villanueva
Universidad Villanueva
Universidad Villanueva


The Villanueva university center, attached to the Complutense University, has a campus with a building on Costa Brava Street, which joins the existing one. The proximity of both buildings that form the campus enhances the coexistence among students of different degrees, making the university experience a key and enriching stage.

The Ofita furniture contributes, with its design and functionality, that the operative work can be done in an efficient and comfortable way, which can help its learning and knowledge exchange, which can happen anywhere within the campus, from the classroom to the rooms or more informal areas. With shared areas, but also with spaces for privacy.

The typology of spaces, the appropriate use of furniture and the acoustic and visual isolation in each zone facilitate the day to day of all its occupants.
The architecture, the interior design and the selected furniture, with their color designs and ergonomic shapes, create motivating spaces. Access to technology is another of the major players in the equipment.



In the development of the project we have worked with our furniture: